How to Register:

Register Now

​Remember to save your URL, because you are able to alter information from now until February 2, 2024

​Don't forget to check the Rules and Regulations for the 2024 Competition.

Rules & Guidelines


The Bridge contest will be scored on the following four areas of achievement:

  1. Load capacity - Each bridge will be load tested to determine how much weight it can support.
  2. Design Drawings – The design drawing score will depend on:
    a) Resemblance - The accuracy of the drawings in relationship to the Bridge. The
    drawings may be full-size drawings or scale drawings.
    b) Dimensioning - Proper indication of the height, width and length of various parts
    of the bridge.
    c) Completeness of the Title Block – A complete title block will include all of the
    following: 1) Team’s name, 2) School name, 3) Teacher(s) name, 4) team
    member(s) names, 5) scaling, 6) grade level(s), and 7) date.
    d) Appearance and Neatness - Quality and cleanliness of the representation.
  3.  Craftsmanship - The workmanship score will reflect the care taken in constructing the bridge.
  4. Originality - Imaginative or innovative concepts used in design and construction of the bridge will determine the score for originality.

Questions? See our FAQ page.